Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bad Traffic

I was tempted, very much tempted, to go back home on the way to work yesterday when once again I was trapped in a heavy - or should I say worst - traffic jam in Pondok Cabe Raya. It was the third time in a row this week, and I was fed up - felt helpless soaked in a mass of cars and motorbikes. Seeing frustated faces of people amongst me who also trapped in the traffic, I wondered, how could one keep one's spirit or one's mood to work when one should face this jam for hours before one could reach one's office (not to mention if there was a morning meeting waiting). I remembered not a while back ago, I could go to work at seven and arrived in the office in time. Now, even I went out of my house at six, I still was late arriving in the office. Aaarrrgggh!

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